Title: Supermarket Shopper, the Guide to Healthy Eating
Author: Trevor Smith
Illustrator: Trevor Smith
Paperback: 208 pages
Publisher: Mainstream Publishing; First Edition edition (9 May 1996)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1851587926
ISBN-13: 978-1851587926
The British diet being recognized as one of the worst in the developed world, this book provides advice on which foods to buy. It contains information on how to read the label, how to cut through jargon, how to translate obscure marketing terms, and how to decipher codes for the additives.
Purchase from: www.abebooks.co.uk www.amazon.co.uk
Author: Trevor Smith
Illustrator: Trevor Smith
Paperback: 208 pages
Publisher: Mainstream Publishing; First Edition edition (9 May 1996)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1851587926
ISBN-13: 978-1851587926
The British diet being recognized as one of the worst in the developed world, this book provides advice on which foods to buy. It contains information on how to read the label, how to cut through jargon, how to translate obscure marketing terms, and how to decipher codes for the additives.
Purchase from: www.abebooks.co.uk www.amazon.co.uk